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Writer's pictureAlahnnaa Campbell

Esogetics, as described by Rosemary Bourne

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

As a way to help you decide if Esogetics is right for you, here are my edited highlights for this beautiful talk:

"Esogetic colorpuncture is a system of colored acu-like therapy, which in its basic essence, combines the principles of Chinese Medicine with modern discoveries about the biophysics of light.

In the seventies, Peter Mandel (founder of Esogetics) started to develop this very unique system in collaboration with BioPhoton Physicist Fritz Pop, who shared:

"In terms of healing, the implications are immense. Light can initiate or rest cascade-like reactions in the cells, and genetic damage can be virtually repaired in hours, using faint beams of light. Cellular metabolism and communication between cells would be impossible without light. This system of light is deeper than our nerve cells and our nerve pathways, in the sense that it is the underlying sub stratum of communication in the body. So, our body is basically a photovoltaic cell, which is supplied with energy and information, by light."

From the Esogetic perspective, physical illness and pains are important signals of deeper disharmonies in the psyche and the spirit, that then disturb the healthy bio-communication of cells, throwing off the cellular rhythm. So, the understanding is that all diseases develop from the subtle information field, to some extent what people call mindset, to the cause, which is the body.

We look at the bio-electric discharge from the fingers and toes (as all meridians begin and end there), and we have maps to look at not only the physical system (for example, the thumbs represent the teeth, ears, nose, and throat; and the index fingers represent the spine and large intestine/colon), but also how the attachment process unfolded over the first 12yrs of life. In particular, where there are blocks and breaks that then impact the physical body.

The bio-energetic discharge will reveal that the person is in one (or a mix) of 3 possible states: 1) shock, fear, loss of connection to their truth; 2) inflammation, reaction, anger, sadness, unprocessed emotions impacting their lymphatic system; 3) lymphatic stasis, where we see a more sever shutting down, walling off, and an inability to relate to others.

Everything develops, nothing just occurs. Pain exists in a pattern of disharmony, which moves you in that direction, and we look for the initiating the action?

The matter of the body is real, so you should still work with a physical practitioner, but if we can free up some of the underlying pattern, then the whole thing can unravel.

For example: How was birth, the time in the womb, was the child wanted, did the mom feel supported, how was the early attachment period?

We start to unwind, and see if the person starts to feel more resourced and more connected to self. It takes time to unwind, but, in the process, you start to feel better all the time. We are looking for symptom relief, but we are approaching it from a different model.

One of the diseases of our culture, is the inability to be present with where we are at, and start from there. Bringing people back into connection with the information, with the field, is one of our major goals.

Conflicts, if we can approach them in the right way, are the key to our evolution.

People tend to move away from their conflicts, and this is how they develop burnout. They begin to deny their needs, evaluate their friendships and self-care, flatline their cortisol pattern, and resort to maladaptive coping strategies.

Conflict was only there to show us which developmental capacities, in our attachment process, didn't quite get learned. If we work with conflict more appropriately, we gain more power, confidence, and present ourselves more authentically.

A stagnant lifestyle, in terms of spiritual growth, can really throw off our hormonal system, especially if we lie to ourselves about what we really want (and whether we can attain it). Should I stay or should I go, both sides can cause conflict.

We try to involve our clients in their therapy, so they can be resourced enough to walk their own path. With less pressure, working with their subconscious, regulating their hormones, the subconscious gets on board, and the person finally does what they need to do for themselves, even if it’s hard, and the consequences they feared are real.

When you start to apply these understandings:

  • that everything develops and nothing just occurs,

  • meet your self where you are at,

  • meet whatever conflict you're in, and

  • understand that you need to move towards conflict, even if it brings a little discomfort, then you can start to move towards health, from the trauma vortex to the healing process.

The tree is not made of wood, the tree is wood. We are not disconnected from our psyche. But in shock and fear, the mind may try to dissociate, which is trauma. We can gauge this by asking simple questions like: what did you eat for lunch yesterday, how many times do you pee per day, do you remember your childhood or your dreams.

"Making affirmations" is a sign that we are still in resistance of something. There's a shift that happens when we move our awareness into the information field, and we start to be able to track our pattern. This is how the unwinding starts to happen.

Our stem brain is somatic, our limbic brain stores the memories, and these two areas can keep us stuck in a loop. To shift our mindset, we need to move up to the prefrontal cortex, see the pattern, and be curious about what its made of. Then we will be able to relax, and respond to situations more appropriately.

My top recommendation is daily meditation, stop the activity, break the pattern of fear of “what if I don't...”, uncouple the train, take a breath, so you can look at what's happening, with a fresh perspective."

For me, what all this means, is we either believe we live in a world that is good, where we are being taught things that we are capable of learning, because somebody cares about us, or, we may as well just give up and suffer, and try again next life. I pick door number 1, how about you?

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