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Advanced Esogetic Techniques and other modalities

Updated: 4 days ago

This article is for my own sanity and organization.

Over the past 5 years, I have taken the following courses, beyond the requirements for becoming a Certified Colorpuncture Practitioner (which consists of coordinating areas of the brain; helping energy flow evenly top-bottom, left-right; addressing hormonal, toxic, and degenerative issues; prenatal, birth, developmental and conflict; symptoms as they fit into TCM major organ pairings and Medical Astrology elements and signs) and working towards earning a Diploma in Esogetic Medicine (which adds Kirlian/EEA images and Eye diagnosis, to select, and evaluate the effectiveness of, Esogetic treatments):

  • Pain Treatments: while I would not say that I am the person to work with if you have pain, if we were working together and you wanted to try to address the multiple levels of pain, including how the brain interprets pain, past and present conflict, trauma, somatization, body/soul/spirit, perception and interpretation, this is something we could explore together.

  • Dream Treatments: <I am currently going over all the subjects I learned prior to having a kirlian device in my practice and changing teachers, I will edit this section once I've been able to reconsider this topic through a new lens) I tend more towards insomnia than lack of dreams and, from a Human Design perspective, dreams are to be ignored, because they are programming that we cannot defend ourselves against (but we can look up the way in which we are impacted when we sleep and why), we simply need to remember (and trust) our strategy and authority. The Esogetic perspective is: if a person doesn't remember their dreams, then they lose the ability to discharge their emotional trash (have a "bowel movement of the soul"). I will revisit this topic, when my middle child is over 12yrs old, and her brain is developmentally ready to be exposed to the Dream brainwave program, to help her discharge emotional garbage. Esogetics also says that: dreams hold clues about our basic tendencies, the dreams we can remember are a necessity for our development, because they show us conflicts that have long been shoved into our subconscious, and dreams never ask more of us than what we are capable of. For now, I tell my middle child (who is afraid to have a bad dream, because she thinks they happen on days when she did not behave appropriately in social contexts), from The Road Less Traveled: people who have bad dreams are the nicest people, because they let go of their garbage at night.

  • Point Location: this evolved into my Meridian Work, empowering clients to use flower essences, pressure, RestoreChi decals, and rubbing meridian pathways to clear blocks. I have a book on Acupressure for Trauma, which I hope to read and integrate, at some point.

  • Eye diagnostics and OGT: signs in the coloured parts of our eyes show our genetic weaknesses, passed down from mom (left eye) and dad (right eye), the pupil and marks in the white part of our eyes show what is presently being impacted, as well as phenomena in our Kirlian/EEA image. OGT treatments can be used to address active imbalances, pain, or dis-ease, or to prevent our weaknesses from materializing as dis-ease.

  • Transmitter Relay: while some say this helps us remove the impact of childhood programing, it is also for people who want to further their spiritual growth. It is an extensive, multistep process, for people whose ring, middle, and index fingers (subconscious, emotions, and consciousness) are repeatedly sore at the bottom, showing signs of insufficiency, toxicity, or rigidity in their Kirlian/EEA photo.

  • Burnout: this is something that many people suffer from if they are driven to achieve, because they never got the love and approval they were looking for in childhood, these treatments help people shift how they are living their life, so they can rebuild their energy and prioritize self-care, doing things that fulfill them instead of trying to seek fulfillment from others, which never comes.

  • Death and Dying: we all need to let go, on a regular basis, to step into the next phase of our life, these treatments help with this ongoing process.

  • Iching: really steps up the way in which we can support people to work through their key life lesson(s), leveraging high quality passages, and various aspects of the Gene Keys (including mudras and animal traits), there are treatments on the body and simple paper-based methods.

  • Brainwave inductions: stress throws us out of our rhythms, when we are unable to discharge the mobilized energy, we become at risk, especially when stress is ongoing, caught in conflicts we can't escape, and most therapies suppress symptoms instead of eliminating cause. Ongoing stress moves from the endocrine system to the toxic lymphatic system, and pain occurs when there is permanent tension. If we experience physical trauma in childhood we will tend to have more phenomena on the right side of our body (beta, theta), and if we experience psychoemotional shock in childhood, we will tend to have more phenomena on the left side of our body (alpha, delta). This short circuits communication between the two hemispheres of our brain, resulting in symptoms like migraines, headaches, heart, lung, stomach, gastrointestinal, genital, and psychological problems. Induction with brainwaves helps the brain communicate more easily. When we feel relaxed, we sleep better, and our symptoms improve. The left side of our brain processes top down and the right side processes bottom up, we need both sides for better consciousness. Treatment with brainwaves on the skin informs the thalamus, which regulates the mesenchyme, allowing information to get into our cells. The mesenchyme (our general body tissue) needs to be clear for information to be able to get to our cells, and this is something Esogetics can address. When people experience discomfort as a reaction to treatment, it's often because their mesenchyme may be clogged up. Brain waves are a prerequisite for consciousness and illness is a change in consciousness. Treatment with colour light is strengthened when we layer in brain wave firsts, because this is how the brain speaks to the body, using the brainwave that is dominant at the time of treatment, signals to the cells, to let the treatment in. And when we treat a specific area of the body, this allows this area of the body to notify the brain that it has now adopted a healthy rhythm/function, so the brain no longer needs to register a problem/pain in that area anymore.

  • Gold & Silver, Soul Spirit, Activator, Crystals, Discs, Spheres, and Tattoos: using Medical Astrology (for symptoms) and Tree of Life (helping information flow and releasing walls that make us sick - OGT treatments are Daath treatments) points on the face and body, as well as balancing left-right, front-back, top-bottom, and centering. Crystals are much stronger and more rapid than light treatments. They allow deeply held information to come into our awareness, so we can regulate disorganized information in our body. Crystals help release tension, emotional trauma, cellular memory, attachments, conflicts that won't resolve, pain, fear, memories, inflammation/tumors, draining lymph and balancing hormones, offering a deep cleaning of our life experience, when the person's Kirlian/EEA photo shows phenomena at the bottom of their fingers. Some clients are very drawn to the Activators, and like to use them intuitively, while participating in a Divine Healing session, to balance, pull out, or bring in energy/information, on various parts of their body.

  • Bardo and Karma Crystal treatments: karma is the action that we need to take. When we do not take this action, we end up with serious destructive disease. We all have certain deep and painful karmic lessons, based on the numerology of our name. Bardo treatments help us clear the imprints of our parents, the blockages of our persona, our attachments, and karma, so we can open a new bardo (the space between beginnings and endings). We all want closeness with our parents. Using amygdala and hippocampus treatments, we can bring together our dissociative (implicit), effective, and meta consciousness, seeing ourselves in the mirror of truth, learning not to take the hook, so we can become unstuck, and address the memory stored in our somatic/pain body.

  • Grey Crystals: distinguishing between treatments for balance (left/right, front/back) and the trinity (I-Thou-We), with treatments for balance, centering, the limbic brain (amygdala and hippocampus), territorial issues, trauma, original fears, film of life, unshed tears of childhood, regrets, cramps, freedom, sinuses, and hypothalamic mediated psychosomatic symptoms. Adding the material (soul/spirit crystals) to the trinity, to address the thalamus-limbic connection (perception of emotional reactions), burnout, father treatment for chronic pain, mother treatment for acute pain, expansion of consciousness, and Fire (I), Earth (attachment, ancestral, concealed conflict, and mesenchymal rheumatism), Air (partnership with self), and Water (mother, karma, and emotions) issues.

  • Neuro-cardiology and the Glymphatic System: a childhood that is lacking in sufficient support and love can result in the heart no longer being able to send simultaneous messages to the cranial and gut brain, so we can think with feeling. As a result, people become people pleasers, asking others how they should live their life. A lot of this backs up into the head (the sinuses represent cellular memory), so draining the head lymph is the first step. Then we work to reconnect the heart and gut brain to the cranial brain, so the person can feel more centered and become more willing to play a role in their healing process. As we work to relax and open the body, pineal, amygdala, hippocampus, medulla, thalamus, and more, the person can release the rigidity (protective mechanisms) that are holding pain, dis-ease, and premature aging in place.

  • Menopause: treatments to support this important transition.

  • The Wall of Puberty: when experiences from childhood don't have an opportunity to resolve themselves between the ages of 12-24yrs, our ability to move forward is blocked, unless we can address this.

  • I also receive annual Update seminars (covering topics like the Prefrontal Cortex, PTSD, Torsion Fields, how our past holds us back, how we are blocked in taking steps on our life path, and more), quarterly Esogetic Letters (sharing case studies and effective/relevant new treatment strategies), and, once they become available, I will be taking a course on Addiction (which has its roots in the prenatal period) and Depression and Anxiety in Children.

RestoreChi is something I often add to Esogetic Treatments, for clients who are willing to engage/invest in what is needed to do so.

The Information Field is something I can do remotely, to add an outside perspective, to treat people/situations who are not directly involved in sessions with me, so we can gain a better understanding of what is going on for them, so we can have more compassion.

There are people who cannot integrate treatments. Either because their life does not allow them to rest for long enough after treatment, what they are exposed to in life (and how they respond to it) pushes them back into a disordered state, or they have an unconscious instinct to leave their body when they receive too much treatment. These situations need to be handled with care, and at a pace that people can digest and maintain.

I hope this is helpful. I will edit this article as things evolve.


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