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You Have A Life Plan

Identifying and releasing patterns, inside and outside of the body

Welcome! Everything in the video still applies. I have also expanded what I am able to offer. Check out below and the main menu, and go to wherever you feel drawn. Thank you for visiting!



If this is too much to read, you can skip down to "What can I do for you?"


I believe that ...


  1. There is a way to function in life with grace and ease. Human Design can show you: your strengths and vulnerabilities, how others affect you, your unique strategies for success, and much more.

  2. There is a reason for everything that you experience in life. What you learn to overcome becomes the gift that you can teach others. Soul Contract can provide clarity and guidance. 
  3. Negative emotions are an opportunity for healing. "What you feel, you can heal." Divine Healing and Esogetic Medicine can support this process.

  4. We are all a work in progress. Sometimes we have to sit in our shadows, in order to develop our gifts. We all have certain triggers, things that will be harder for us than for others, unique needs (as we progress through childhood and adolescence), and our own time table, for when we will hit certain maturity points in our life. Gene Keys and Astrology can bring you a lot of peace, self-acceptance, and guidance in these areas.

  5. When we understand how other people work (and how that interacts with how we are built), we can greatly improve our relationships by seeing their unique gifts and struggles, and treating them with more understanding, compassion, and respect.

  6. It is possible to parent our children, without worrying if they are measuring up to others, because we can have their unique psychology, needs, and development trajectory in our hands the entire way. 

  7. In truth, all anyone ever needs to be happy and healthy is to connect to their true life program. Whether this is done, through looking at any of the systems above, or through having a in depth conversation and analysis of the state of the person's body, mind, and spirit, and then shining the light, so they can clear the cobwebs, process and put away the unfinished business, and release what is no longer needed, so they can see their truth, once again!

  8. Play and sharing your unique gifts, are important parts of the healing journey!


Clients who will benefit most from my services include:


  • Parents who want to stop worrying about their kids, stop feeling guilty for their self-care needs, and understand their unique family dynamics, so everyone can thrive.​

  • Adults and young adults who are ready to move on, heal their childhood/parental wounds, and find the truth, so they can finally claim their unique gifts and life.

  • Entrepreneurs who want to make sure their business is aligned with their true life goals, and what will make them feel happy, accomplished, and fulfilled, and who want to put a clear energetic message out to their prospective clients, so they can attract business with ease and authenticity, and know what manifestation and marketing strategies are aligned with who they really are, so they no longer need to try to be like, and compete, with anyone else.

  • Spiritual seekers who are looking for truth, who want to understand how their body is communicating with them, and how they can take better care of themselves, from a place of understanding and self-love.

Some Testimonials...

"I have been looking for you on all the social media platforms! I came to you for a session with my sister a few years ago and it was powerful! You were spot on with your Human Design reading, and your Soul Contract reading was even more accurate! I would love to reconnect with you, to collaborate and raise awareness."

Dinah Indorato, Fundraising Manager for Asperger's Society of Ontario

"Dear Alahnnaa, You are a gem. Thank you for everything! You gave me so many ideas and I learn so much from you. I have searched for guidance for a long time, and you are the first person who is giving me something I can use. I am so grateful to have a beautiful soul like yours to expand me. The guidance you have provided has made me feel clearer. Listening to your guidance always helps me change my perspective, especially during times when I tend to judge myself a lot. Whenever we have a conversation, it's like the universe is talking to me through you! I wanted to thank you for reminding me to listen and trust my unique life path."

Mona Rasi

"Reading what you write in your posts and blog is such a wonderful way to wake up. I liken it to reading the news, except your news lifts me up!!! Your words give my day a perfect start! Reading your most recent share has helped me change my perspective on something I was judging myself for. I see things differently now. What came up for me while reading what you shared actually made me feel my own intelligence. Thank you!!!!!! I am very excited for this path you have encouraged me to step into. I really think the people that I will be able to support now, with the confidence you have inspired in me, will be able to make a positive contribution to others, when they are ready."

Love and Light, Kelly Peters

"This is a testimonial for Alahnnaa Campbell. I went to her last year to get an idea of the path I should follow in order to be successful in my business. Alahnnaa prepared my Foundation chart, did a Soul Contract reading analysis for me after which she recommended some changes for me. I executed those changes and this year has been a turnaround for me business-wise. Alahnnaa did a great job of Human Design for me. While I was doing the sessions with her, I was impressed enough to take my younger daughter to her also to deal with some of her problems such as insomnia, panic disorder and hallucinations. I am pleased to note that my daughter's issues are now much more reduced. Alahnnaa had a calming effect on her and she came back home a much happier and relieved person. I would strongly recommend Alahnnaa for any personal and family matter that one may be going through. I truly appreciate her ability to blend all the different sciences together to put meaning into an individual person's needs. I wish Alahnnaa all the best and hope that many people would be benefited from her guidance."

Jagjit Sambi

I find working with Alahnnaa to be very comforting. She is constantly inspiring me which is very refreshing! Working with her has been so lovely and I am grateful for it! xo"

Victoria, 23yrs old

"I am so happy I have been led to Alahnnaa on my healing journey! I recently had a wonderful Divine Healing session with Alahnnaa. What stood out to me the most were the beautiful words she used to connect with my healing team to work together to help me heal and let go of energies I no longer needed to hold on to. Since my session, I have noticed that an incredible weight has been lifted from me and I feel more joyful and myself - I have laughed more the past two weeks since my session than I have in a long time :).  I also did a Human Design reading with Alahnnaa which was really insightful and confirmed with me some overall themes of my life which made me feel like, hey - it is all good and this is the way things are supposed to be! But my favourite part were the small details that confirmed weird quirky things I do and feel. Like my ideal environment is 'Shores' which means I need to live at the edge of something - like the edge of water, the border of town, etc. which totally resonates with me as a few years ago I lived right in the middle of a city and I felt uncomfortable all the time for what was then an unknown reason. I feel so much better now living at the edge of both a town and water - the feeling of expansion. I always knew that I needed this but now I actually understand why! Little things that can make your life better - thanks Alahnnaa!"

Carly Gouweloos

"Alahnnaa has been nothing but wonderful, supportive and amazingly enthusiastic in her work and I couldn’t be more pleased with the work she’s done for my fiancé and I."

Olivia Beckham

"It has been a joy to meet Alahnnaa. I enjoy our sessions. They always seem to support me to see whatever situation I am facing with more clarity. Since working with her, I find that I am better at finding my center, when I might have previously fallen into a state of anxiety. I am getting to know myself better and I accept who I am. I have also realized how many tools I have at my own disposal to calm myself down. Thank you."

Donna F.

"Alahnnaa, I wanted to thank you for our session together! Your confidence with the subject matter and your enthusiasm to guide me through it all made me feel at ease to share with you, ask questions and allowed me to absorb as much of it as I could. On that note, it was a lot to absorb! So, I really appreciate having the audio recording and printed materials to refer back to - I think it's something I will revisit a number of times in the coming weeks/months (it's also really interesting listening myself and what I had to say during the session!). I came away with some greater clarity on many of the thoughts that had been rattling around in my head for a while and an overall feeling of positivity in the steps that lay ahead. Thank you!"


“I first met Alahnnaa Campbell at the wellness expo in Oakville (March, 2017). I was looking for clarity on my life purpose and working on starting a business. This is something I have been seeking the answer to for several years. Through my sessions with Alahnnaa I started learning about my true nature and how I tick as a person. Learning these things about myself truly helped me understand myself better and accept myself. Every session we had together was done with alot of consideration for my needs and what I was looking for as an individual. After each session I left feeling good about myself and uplifted. I now feel like I have the answers to my burning questions. Another thing we discovered together is that my life purpose is a process that I uncover each day by aligning myself with my Soul Contract. I am so grateful to have met Alahnnaa and have the opportunity to learn so much about myself. Now (after 4 months of working with Alahnnaa), I feel so confident in the work I am starting to do because I feel it is aligned with my Soul Contract and Human Design. Thank you so much Alahnnaa for everything! Lots of love xo”

Sumeet Ahuja Ahluwalia

“I have been meeting with Alahnnaa on a regular basis since June of 2016. I find my appointments with her to be always very insightful and very helpful. In addition to being a very intuitive practitioner, she is always very well prepared and her statements are always supported by a strong knowledge base. Alahnnaa is an exceptional practitioner and I strongly recommend booking a session with her if you would like to have more focus in your life, deal with stressful issues of the past and present, or remove blocks preventing you from living your life to its fullest.”

DM, Montreal, Canada


What can I do for you?

I am always in service to you.


I share information almost daily, and you can go here to learn more about where I am currently active (or have been in the past). Many of the pages/articles on my website are designed as free resources for you to use at any time (I use them myself too). 


In addition, I also provide a paid one-on-one service, for you to gain a better understanding of your self, your loved ones, and your life experiences. I can also support your multidimensional bodies to clear whatever is stopping you from seeing and living your life. I've given talks, offered workshops, and am willing to do so again, if you feel what I have to offer would be of interest to your group.


The intention of my writing is to share my process of awakening (self-acceptance and growth), and to show you what is possible, should you decide to work on your self too.


Many of my past and present clients have become collaborators and friends, because I honor the gift that every person who is in alignment with kindness and truth has to offer, and I always want what is best for you.


If you want to read more, you can go here: The Longer Intro Story (of why I do what I do) ...


Wishing you all the best on your journey, through this and many lives.


Alahnnaa Campbell

Get In Touch

Alahnnaa Campbell

MSc Psychology/Neuroscience

Stress and Health

You Have A Life Plan

Oakville, Ontario, Canada


Go to the Book Time page

to book a free 15min Consultation.

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