We are not all created equal, but we are all perfect for our children! We just need to know how we are designed, so we can play to our strengths!

Human Design was actually meant for our children. So they can know who they are, be themselves, and play to their strengths. But, before we can get this information to the children, we need to go through the parents.
In this presentation I use Human Design to show some examples of different types of parents, and how knowing your design can make you a better parent. Mostly because it will make you stop comparing yourself to other parents in a negative way, so you can just be you, play to your strengths, forgive yourself, and enjoy parenting with more Grace and Ease!
Parents - We are perfect for our kids! Lets cut ourselves some slack!
Love and Bless, Strong Family!
Alahnnaa Campbell
MSc Psychology/Neuroscience (Stress and Health)
Family Dynamics and Life Purpose Specialist