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Why settle for blanket advice?
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life

Alahnnaa Campbell
Mar 3, 20194 min read
Are forcing your child to conform, because you feel you can not change the system?
I do all of this, because I care about you! And I know, when you feel supported, you will be in a better place to support your child (and ot
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Feb 4, 20194 min read
This is how sensitive kids can be and they don't need to toughen up, they need us to have more c
I always look to the child for feedback when adults speak about them. We can be so clever as adults, so clever and so wrong, and it is impor
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Dec 22, 20185 min read
We need to open our minds when our kids present us with problems
My child has X problem, their unique psychology puts them at risk for X problem, the metaphysical reason for the problem they are presenting
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Dec 19, 20187 min read
Can we raise kids without Shame, Guilt, Fear, Pride, and Desire? Can we school kids without grades?
My husband and I take a ton of fire from our family because we do not parent in a traditional way. We accept our kids for who they are. We w
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Oct 16, 20184 min read
How to support your child if they are engaging in self-harm
Self-harm is becoming more and more common, and there are ways for parents to support their kids and give their kids tools to support themse
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Oct 12, 20189 min read
Defining the levels of conscious parenting
I’ve been inspired and working with Dr David R Hawkins, MD, Phd’s life work (The Map of the Scale of Consciousness) for some time. I have be
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Oct 9, 20186 min read
A complex father son relationship!
This article demonstrates the beauty of understanding each family members' Soul Contract, Human Design, and Astrology, as well as the im
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Sep 25, 20184 min read
Not all kids are apples and carrots, some of them are oranges and bananas, and others are artichokes
Some kids seem pretty straight forward. You just show them the way, and they follow. Others are more complicated, but they are NOT disordere
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Sep 19, 20185 min read
Supporting your child to go to school without compromising your relationship
They said it couldn't be done. No way will you get your child over his fear of school without forcing him. Some even claimed my child wa
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Sep 8, 20185 min read
Mister Rogers offered us one side of the coin, here is the other...
Mr Rogers was right, we are all perfect and worthy of love, just as we are.
What Mr Rogers was missing were the maps - to show us how we ar
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Sep 8, 20183 min read
What does You Have A Life Plan really mean?
Your Life Plan can not be bought at a store or designed by your parents, or anyone else, because it was written by YOU, in consultation with
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Jun 14, 20186 min read
Enough with the blanket parenting advice - Our parents/kids don't ruin our lives!
This article is for anyone who would like to understand how powerful Astrology can be in making us feel more at ease in our parenting journe
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Jun 5, 20184 min read
Maybe Avril's boyfriend had an open Identity Center in his Human Design
I have a deep respect for youths who are able to stand up and speak their mind. I can feel their pain, and I love that they voice it. If onl
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Alahnnaa Campbell
May 28, 20186 min read
Our own little Gandhi
How trusting your child to make their own decisions and follow their own path can allow them to process and release trauma, and educate and
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Alahnnaa Campbell
May 17, 20184 min read
Why do I have such a problem with the diagnosis model?
I know a lot of people want a diagnosis for their child. This is why I feel there is a better way...
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Alahnnaa Campbell
Jul 13, 20171 min read
Parents - We are perfect for our kids! Lets cut ourselves some slack!
We are not all created equal, but we are all perfect for our children! We just need to know how we are designed, so we can play to our stren
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